The dev-first issue tracking tool
Open-source, customizable, and lightweight.
Backed by
Write, deploy and automate anything
AI Bug Enricher
Add context based tips on where to start, drop the barrier to resolve bugs
Seamless PR Tracking
Automatically create an issue to track a Pull Request (PR) as soon as it is assigned and linked to a Tegon issue
Create Issues directly from Slack
Effortlessly create issues from Slack and keep your conversations in sync by using 👀 emoji
Triage: omni-channel bug reporting system
Central hub for bugs
Automatically create and manage bugs from 8+ external sources (Slack, Email, Discord, Zendesk etc.) directly in Triage.
Automatic Bug Grouping
Automatically categorize bugs based on labels ensuring a more organized and efficient view of the bugs.
AI Suggestions
Use AI to automatically suggest metadata in bugs and route them to appropriate destinations, streamlining the triage process.
We love opensource. Tegon is AGPL-3.0 licensed so you can view source code, contribute and self host